MPF: Bringing the people to the ‘middle path’

MPF: Bringing the people to the ‘middle path’

Muslim Professionals Forum welcomes this initiative as we have always been engaging civil societies and encouraging dialogue.
Between the looming threat of neo – conservative Islam and hyper liberal Islam, there is an even urgent need to tread the middle path as enshrined in the Quran in Al Baqarah, Chapter 2:143: “Thus we have appointed you a middle nation, that you may be witness against mankind…”
These acutely polarised positions of Islam has obviously disturbed the conscience and intellect of the “Malay Elite” but more critically it has defied the concept of “wasathiyah” or middle path.
There is a pressing need to celebrate the tradition of at-Tasaamuh or being mutually respectful and Al-Muruunah or being flexible which inevitably calls for managing ‘Differences’ and ‘Dissent’ amicably in the public sphere within the Muslim Ummah and all the more so in the bigger context and constituency of the nation.
Being inflexible and oftentimes judgemental to the point of a penchant to pronounce others as ‘un-Islamic’ or even ‘kafir’, in peripheral issues (khilafiah) and realms where differences are permitted, would spell doom for this very plural nation of ours.
We strongly encourage all to participate in the ensuing discourse and together articulate in meaningful ways the views of authentic mainstream Islam on important issues of the day, legal or otherwise.
Board of Directors, Muslim Professionals Forum
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